Gulf Job Consultants in Delhi List: Here we provided the top list of gulf job consultants in Delhi for engineers, Teachers, and gulf job seekers. We provided complete information of those consultants with contact details.
List of Gulf Job Consultants in Delhi

- J. Placement Consultants
G-4 & G-5, Pragati Tower, 26, Rajendra Place,
New Delhi – 110 008
Phone: +91-11-145045678, 41523091, 25752130
Fax: +91-11-41539520, 25751130
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ajplacement. com
- Faisal Tours & Travels
Vandhna Building (Basement) 11, Tolstoy Marg, Connaught Place
New Delhi
Phone no:2332-2998, 2332-2996
Fax: 2372-5636
E-mail: [email protected]
- Mahfooz International
N-33/14, N Block Munshi Lal Building, Connaught Circuss, Middle Circle, New Delhi
Phone no: 011-2371-5773, 2371-5778
Fax: +91-11-2335-1052
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.mahfoozinternational. com
- Sikander Consultants & Management
Room No 206, 2nd Floor, Dhola Complex, 1819,
Uday Chand Kotla Mubarakpur, New Delhi 3
Phone no: 011-2463-3273
Fax: 2463-3273
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: delhi@sikandergroup. com
- New Marhaba Travels
152, 3rd Floor, Mohan Bhawan,
Sarai Jullena, New Delhi – 110 025
Phone no: +91-11-4045-4500
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.newmarhabatravels. com
- Arab Manpower Service Link
1433/T, Kumar Complex, Wazir Nagar, Kotla Mubarakpur
New Delhi – 110 003
Tel. no: 2460-3366, 2460-3600, 2460-3700
E-mail: [email protected]
- S International
South Ext. Part-11 New Delhi 110 049
Phone no: +91-11-26259620, 2625-9539
Fax: +91-11-2625-2990
E-mail: md@msimanpower. com
Website: www.msimanpower. com
- Delhi Overseas
90-A, 1st Floor, Sarai Jullena,
Near Escort Heart Institute, New Delhi 110 025
Phone: +91-11-2683-0615, 2632-6151
Fax: +91-11-2682-9259
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.delhioverseas. in
- Gulfa Travel Service
02-39/40, Dheeraj Heritage,
152/102, Mohan Bhavan, Sarai Jullena, Near Hotel Crown Surya, Okhla
New Delhi – 110 025
Phone: 2631-2366/2393
Fax: 2691-7798
E-mail: [email protected]
- Fayeda Travel Agency
Ground Floor 15, Barakhamba Road, Connaught Palace, New Delhi
Phone: +91-11-23730328, 4151-9154
Fax: +91-11-2335-1372
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.fayedatravels. com
- Gulf Associates
27-B, 1st Floor, Khizarabad,
New Friends Colony, New Delhi – 110 065
Phone: +91-11-2692-1026 / 27 / 28
Fax: +91-11-2684-1184
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.gulfassociates. in
- Safiya Travels
G-6, Anupam Plaza Building, Near IIT Gate, Kalu Sarai, New Delhi – 110 016
Tel no: 4611-0637, 4182-8358
Fax: 011-4311-0637
E-mail: [email protected]
50 Top Gulf Job Consultants In Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, Cochin
- Good Fellow Foreign Service Agency
82A, 1st Floor, Taimoor Nagar
New Friends Colony
Gurudwara Road
New Delhi – 110 065
Phone: 011-2631-2786, 011-2682-2786, 011-2692-9786, 011-2693-4786
Fax: +91-11-2682-3273
E-mail: admin@goodfellow. in
info@goodfellow. in
Website: www.goodfellow. in
- Sanaa International Recruiting Service
2nd Floor, Bank of Baroda Main Road, Bharat Nagar
New Delhi – 110 025
Phone: +91-11-2692-2831 / 36
Fax: +91-11-2692-2834
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.sanaainternational. com
- Al Rehman Associates
2nd Floor, Commercial Complex, Sheikh Sarai Phase 2, New Delhi – 110 017
Phone: +91-11-2925-4786, 2925-5786, 2925-9786
Fax: +91-11-2925-6786, 2925-9786
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.alrehman. in
- Skyways Bureau Service
152, Mohan Bhavan, 1st Floor, Room no. 107, Sarai Jullena
Opposite Surya Hotel, New Delhi – 110 025
Phone: 2692-8888, 2632-4801
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.skywaysbureau. com
- Arabian Services Company
Plot No. 113, 1st Floor, Bharat Nagar
New Friends Colony, New Delhi – 110 065
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel no: 2692-6046
Fax: 2692-6048
- Asiapower Overseas Employment Service
Building No 9, Main Road Snt Nagar, 2nd Floor
East of Kailash above Dhaba 61 Milestone
New Delhi 110 065
Phone: +91-11-6467-2021, 2623-1561
Fax: +91-11-2623-1563
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.asiapoweroverseas. com
- Trehan Exports
100-A, Mezzaninefloor, Janak Cinema Complex, Janakpuri
New Delhi – 110 058
Phone: 2254-0224 / 5515877 / 25515878
- Creative Enterprises
69, Arjun Nagar, 1st Floor
New Delhi – 110 029
Phone: +91-11-2696-2499
Fax: +91-11-2696-2499
E-mail: recruitment@creative. com
Website: www.creative-india. com
- Zaireen Travel Service
11-D, Vandana Building, Basement, 11 Tolstoy Marg, Connaught Place
New Delhi
Phone: +91-11-2332-3504, 2371-5514
Fax: +91-11-2335-7021
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.zakagroup. com
- Al Aman Travel Service
151 / 3rd Floor, Sarai Julena Okhla, New Delhi – 110 025
Phone: +91-11-2682-9827
Fax: +91-11-2693-1653
E-mail: [email protected]
- R K International
6 – Rajinder Palace, New Delhi – 6
Phone: 2571-5533, 2572-5533, 2571-5550
Fax: 2576-3333
Email: [email protected] , [email protected]
Website: www.rkinternational-india. com
- Citizen Exports
2/18-A, 1st Floor, Sarai Jullena, Near Surya Hotel
New Delhi – 110 025
Tel: 2633128
Fax: 26917732
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.citizenexports. com
- Al Haram International
5684/4, 1st Floor, Chowk Singhara, Idgah Road
New Delhi – 110 055
Phone: +91-11-23536157, 2353-1979
Fax: +91-11-2354-2481
E-mail: [email protected]
- Al Akbar Enterprises & Travel Agencies
749/ Sunlight Colony, Maharani Bagh, Ashram
New Delhi – 110 014
Tel: 2634 9126
Fax: 2634-9126
- International Trade Links
68 Pocket-B Mayur Vihar, Phase-11 New Delhi
Tel: 22770174
Fax: 41656357
E-mail: [email protected]
- Parker Agency
712, Sunlight Colony-1, Near Balasahib Gurdwara
New Delhi – 110 014
Phone: +91-11-2275-2412
Fax: +91-11-2275-2412
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.parkeragency. com
- Eastern Trade Links
159/2, 1st Floor, Sarai Julena
Opposite Escort Hospital, New Delhi – 110 025
Phone: +91-11-65174068, 9911225124
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.easterntradelinks. in
- New Alfa International
82, Ground Floor, Taimoor Nagar, New Friends Colony, New Delhi
Phone: +91 11 26912221
Fax: +91 11 26912221
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.newalfa.
- Heena International
27-B/1 2nd Floor Khizarabad, New Friends Colony
New Delhi
Ph: +91- 9820083010
Email: heenainternational@
- Multilink Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
91-B, 1st Floor Sarai Julena, Jamia Nagar New Delhi
Ph: 26932435, 26923160,
Fax: 26932533
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.multilinkindia. com
- Suni Associates
84 E, pocket -5, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, New Delhi- 110091
Tel: 22752413
Fax: 22752413
Email: [email protected]
- Tabish Tour & Travels
405, Nirmal Tower, 4th Floor
Connaught Palace, 26 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi – 110001.
Tel: 23354786, 23736875,43623020
Fax: 23755533
Email: [email protected]
- Qureshi Enterprises
T – 296, Ahata Kidara, Near Al-Quresh Masjid
Bara Hindu Roa, Delhi – 6
Ph: 23524759
Fax: 23413987
E-mail: [email protected]
- Abu Travel Service
2/4 3rd Floor Sarai Julena Okhla Road, New Delhi 110025
Ph: +91-11-26925100
Fax: +91-11-26925101
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.abutravel. com
- Gemini Enterprise
Ub-63 Antrikash Bhawan 22 Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
Connaught Palace, New Delhi
Ph: 23239612
Email: [email protected]
- Nasser Overseas Consultants
207-Second Floor, Building No.389 South Ex-Tower,
Leela Ram Market South Extension – 2
New Delhi – 110049
Tel: 00-91-11-26268032/41
Email: nasser@bom5. Vsnl
Website: www.nassers. org
- Overseas Dev. & Emp. Pro. Consult Ltd.
B-25, Somdutt Chamber II, Bikaji kama place,
New Delhi- 110066
Tel: 26198733
Fax: 26198733
E-mail: odepc@sify. com
- Kariman Enterprises
15 2nd Floor Sheikh Sarai -2, New Delhi 110017
Ph: +91-11-29259274
Fax: +91-11-29259274
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.karimanenterprises. com
- ALM International
D-824, New Friends Colony New Delhi-65
Mobile: 9312433030, 9311110218
Fax: 43050555
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.almintl. com
- Nasiha Travels
19, K. G. marg, Cannaught Place, New Delhi-110001
Tel: 23733095
Fax: 011-43534869
E-mail: nasihatravels@gmail. com
Website: www.nasihatravels. com
- Fazal Enterprises
(002188/BOM/PER/1000+/3/3912/93) 90, 1st Floor, Opp. Escort Heart Institute, Sarai Julana, New Delhi-25.
Tel: +91-11-26933869, 26933879
Fax: +91-11-2631782
E-mail: delhi@fazalenterprises. com
Website: www.fazalenterprises. com
- Trehan Consultants Private Limited
110, Shiwam House, Commercial Complex, Karampura, Opp Milan Cinema, New Delhi
Ph: +91-11-45001500 (30 lines) 25920383
Fax: +91-11-45001525, 25920381
E-mail: naresh_trehan@
Website: www.trehancosnultants. com
- Alhind Tours & Travels
Kanchenjunga Building, 18 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi Ph: 43676600/13. 32687455
Mobil: 9311601888 (Ajmal)
Fax: 43536323
E-mail: alhind@rediffmail. com
- Gulfa Manpower Consultants
Namberdar Sadan, I st Floor, 27-B Khizarabad, Near Lions Hospital
New Friends Colony, New Delhi 110065
Ph: 26936377, 26323416
Fax: 26323139
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.gulfamanpower. com
- Sujina Manpower Consultants
102, Room no-4, Maharani Plaza,
Hari Nagar Ashram, New Delhi- 110014
Ph: +9111 26347771,9811552511
Fax: +9111 26347770
Email: [email protected] , [email protected]
- Jerry Varghese International
3 Taimoor Nagar 1st Floor,
New Friends Colony, Opp. Gurdwara, New Delhi
Ph: +9-11-26933650/651
Fax: +91-11-26933652
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.jerryvarghese. com
- Career Line Travel Consultant
5, Floor DSIDC Complex,
Mata Sundari Road, New Delhi
Ph: +91-11-23210555, 23220555
Fax: +91-11-23230555
E-Mail: newdelhi@careerlineonline. com
Website: www.careerlineonline. com
- Indian Overseas Services
27- B, Khizrabad, Near Lions Hospital, New Friends Colony, New Delhi- 110065
Tel: +91-11-26324957,26321536, 9911345652
Fax: +91-11-26321834
E- Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.inose. net
FAQs on Gulf Job Consultancy in Delhi
Q1: What is a Gulf job consultancy in Delhi? A1: A Gulf job consultancy in Delhi is a specialized recruitment agency that assists individuals in finding employment opportunities in Gulf countries. These consultancies have expertise in the job market of Gulf regions and provide services such as resume building, interview preparation, and job placement.
Q2: How can a Delhi manpower consultancy for Gulf assist me in my job search? A2: A Delhi-based manpower consultancy for Gulf countries can help you by leveraging their network of employers in the Gulf region. They offer personalized job search assistance, including matching your skillset with available vacancies, facilitating the application process, and providing guidance on visa and travel arrangements.
Q3: Are there any reputable Gulf manpower consultancies in Delhi? A3: Yes, there are several reputable Gulf manpower consultancies in Delhi known for their effective placement services. While specific names cannot be provided here, it’s crucial to research and select consultancies with positive reviews, a good track record, and transparent practices.
Q4: Can I find a Gulf job consultancy in Bharat Nagar, Delhi? A4: Bharat Nagar and other areas in Delhi host a number of Gulf job consultancies. It’s advisable to visit these consultancies in person or research them online to understand their services and success rates in placing candidates in Gulf jobs.
Q5: What makes a consultancy the top one in Delhi for Gulf jobs? A5: The top consultancies in Delhi for Gulf jobs are characterized by their extensive network of employers in the Gulf, high success rate of placement, excellent candidate support services, and positive feedback from previous clients. They should also offer transparent communication and ethical recruitment practices.
Q6: How do I find a list of Gulf job consultants in Delhi? A6: A comprehensive list of Gulf job consultants in Delhi can be found through online directories, job boards, social media platforms, and recommendations from friends or family who have availed such services. Always ensure to verify the authenticity and credibility of the consultancy.
Q7: What criteria should I consider to find the best consultancy in Delhi for Gulf jobs? A7: To find the best consultancy in Delhi for Gulf jobs, consider factors such as the consultancy’s experience in your industry, success rate, client testimonials, transparency in fees, and the level of personalized attention they offer. Additionally, ensure they have a valid license for overseas recruitment.
Q8: Are there any charges for availing services of a Gulf job consultancy in Delhi? A8: Charges vary among different Gulf job consultancies in Delhi. Some may charge a nominal fee for resume building and interview coaching, while others may only charge the employer. Always inquire about all potential fees upfront to avoid any surprises.
Q9: How long does it typically take for a Gulf job consultancy in Delhi to find me a job in the Gulf? A9: The timeframe can vary depending on the consultancy, your industry, and the demand for your skills in the Gulf. Some candidates may find jobs within a few weeks, while others may take a few months. It’s important to maintain regular communication with your consultancy for updates.
Q10: Can a Gulf job consultancy in Delhi guarantee a job placement in the Gulf? A10: No consultancy can guarantee a job placement as the final decision rests with the employer. However, reputable consultancies will significantly improve your chances by preparing you for interviews, optimizing your resume, and matching you with suitable vacancies.
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