CSS Interview Question and Answers PDF

CSS Interview Question and Answers

Hello everyone, today we are here to provide CSS Interview Question and Answers for all our web portal viewers. Read the complete article and get success in interview round by following the job interview questions.

CSS Interview Question and Answers 2023

Css interview questions and Answers

  1. What does CSS mean?


CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a style sheet language used to describe the look and formatting of a document written in a markup language such as HTML or XML. CSS defines how elements within a document are presented and styled, including colours, layout, font styles, sizes, and more.


  1. What are the elements of the CSS Box Model?


The CSS Box Model is a system of boxes that dictate how elements are displayed on web pages. It defines the space between, around, and inside of elements. It consists of four different elements: Margin, Border, Padding, and Content.


  1. Explain a few advantages of CSS?


CSS is an extremely powerful and versatile style sheet language that can be used to give a website its desired look and feel. It is also very helpful in optimising the website for better performance and increasing its overall usability. CSS makes it easy to maintain a website because changes to the styling code can be made quickly and easily. CSS allows developers to separate a website’s content from its presentation, making it easier to manage both elements. With CSS, you can ensure that all pages of a website have a consistent look and feel.


  1. What was the purpose of developing CSS?


The purpose of CSS was to provide a more powerful way for developers and designers to create beautiful and interactive web pages. CSS allows for the separation of content and presentation, which means that the same HTML code can be used to display the same content on different pages. With the help of CSS, developers were able to easily create complex layouts, dynamic effects, and interactive elements.


  1. Name media types allowed by CSS?


CSS allows us to define different styles for different types of media, such as screen, print, speech, and more. We can use the @media rule in our style sheets to define different media styles. The most commonly used media types are screen, all, print, and speech.


  1. What are the limitations of CSS?


Older browsers may not be able to interpret some of the more recent CSS syntax, which means that you may have to limit your use of the latest CSS features if you want your website to be compatible with older browsers.


For complex website designs, it may be difficult to achieve the desired effect using only CSS and HTML. You may need to use additional technologies such as JavaScript or Flash for more advanced layouts.


Different browsers render CSS differently, so you may need to implement different styling techniques to ensure that your website looks the same across all browsers.


  1. What are the different types of Selectors in CSS?


There are several types of CSS selectors available for use, including type, class, ID, attribute, and pseudo-class selectors.


  1. Name some CSS frameworks?


There are a variety of CSS frameworks that can be used to simplify web development. Some of the most popular CSS frameworks include Bootstrap, Foundation, Bulma, Tailwind, and Materialize.


  1. Difference between reset vs normalised CSS? How do they differ?


Resetting the CSS involves setting a default value for all elements while normalizing the CSS preserves browser defaults and makes minor adjustments to render elements consistently across all browsers.


  1. What is cascading in CSS?


Cascading in CSS is a feature that allows multiple style sheets to be applied to one HTML document. It is also known as a cascade of styles. The term “cascading” refers to the way that styles are applied in layers from the top-most sheet to the bottom-most sheet. This process is designed to enable multiple style sheets to be applied to one HTML document, and for different rules to be applied to different elements.


  1. What is the difference between classes and IDs in CSS?


Classes are generally used to target multiple elements, while IDs are used to target a single element. Classes can be used on multiple elements, while IDs can only be used once per page.


Classes are often used to style multiple elements that have the same type of content or similar characteristics. IDs, on the other hand, are usually used to identify a specific element or part of a page and are very useful for navigation menus or JavaScript programming.


  1. What are the various ways to apply CSS styles to a web page?


Using an external style sheet allows you to write all of your styles in a separate file, then link to it from each page on your website.


Another option is to use an internal style sheet. This involves writing the styles directly into the head of each page on your site.


The last way to apply CSS styles to a web page is to use inline styles. This means adding styles directly to each HTML element.


  1. What is a reset CSS file and why do you need one?


A reset CSS file is a file that resets all of the standard values for HTML elements to a single, unified style. The primary purpose of using a reset CSS file is to ensure consistent styling across multiple browsers, devices, and platforms. Without a reset CSS file, elements may display differently from browser to browser, leading to unpredictable and often inconsistent results.


  1. What are the differences between classes and IDs in CSS?


Classes are generally used to group similar elements together, while IDs are used to uniquely identify an element on a page. Classes can be used multiple times on a single page, but IDs can only be used once. This makes IDs perfect for targeting very specific elements, such as a single navigation item or a specific form field.


When styling elements with classes and IDs, the syntax is slightly different. Classes are preceded with a period (e.g., .class-name), while IDs are preceded with a hash symbol (e.g., #id-name). Additionally, classes and IDs can be combined with other selectors to create more specific targeting rules.

Also read- HTML Interview Questions and Answers latest

  1. How do you float elements work?


When an element is floated, the parent element may become distorted or collapse due to the lack of height or width being provided to the parent. To fix this issue, you can either use a clear fix class or set overflow: auto; on the parent element.

Finally, once the elements are in place, you can also use negative margins to create overlapping elements if desired.


  1. What is the difference between inline and block elements?


Inline elements are those that take up only the width of the content they contain. They cannot have margins, padding, or borders and are displayed on a single line.


Block elements are those that take up the full width available to them, and will start on a new line. They can have margins, padding, and borders, and can also contain other block or inline elements.


  1. What are the units of measure used in CSS?


The most common units used in CSS are pixels (px), ems, and rems. Pixels are an absolute unit of measurement and are used to specify the exact size of an element. Em units are relative to the font-size of the parent element and rem units are relative to the font-size of the root element (html).


  1. What are CSS sprites?


CSS sprites are a technique used to reduce the number of HTTP requests made for image resources referenced by your website.


  1. What are the benefits of using a CSS preprocessor?


They provide an easy and efficient way to write more maintainable code and help to avoid repetitious tasks.

Using a CSS preprocessor can save you time by allowing you to write code that is reusable, modular, and organised. The use of variables and mixins allows for dynamic styling, and the ability to generate and compile multiple style sheets from a single source file makes it easy to keep track of changes.


  1. What are some of the challenges you have faced with CSS?


Using CSS to create complex layouts, such as multi-column or grid-based designs, can be a daunting task. Some of the challenges include understanding how to properly float elements, properly nesting selectors, and knowing when to use absolute or relative positioning.


  1. How do you position elements in CSS?


Positioning elements in CSS can be done using the “position” property. This property allows you to choose between several positioning options, such as a static, relative, absolute, and fixed.


  1. What is static positioning?


Static positioning is the default option, and this means that the element is not affected by other elements or the browser window size.


  1. Define relative positioning


Relative positioning allows you to move an element relative to its normal position, while still keeping it within the same container. To do this, you must specify the left, right, top, and bottom properties.


  1. What does absolute positioning do?


Absolute positioning allows you to position an element relative to its nearest positioned ancestor.



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